I have created below a plate model on Midas to enable me to carry out a buckling analysis. I have a few queries which I was hoping you could assist me with.
1) The bracing elements don't appear in the model.
2) How do you read plate data on Midas? How can I I convert the KNm/m to a KNm moment?
3) I was previously informed that the alpha-critical value given by Midas when Multiplied by the Moment in y-direction should give Mcr. Can you show me how I can do this?
4) Can I import this to Midas FEA to undertake a more accurate analysis.
Your assistance with the above queries will be much appreciated. I have attached below the model.
Answer: Hello User,
1) The bracing elements don't appear in the model. 'Bracing' Structure group does not contain bracing elements. So we need to correctly group the bracing elements under this structure group and activate them in the corresponding construction stage.
2) How do you read plate data on Midas? How can I I convert the KNm/m to a KNm moment? After performing analysis, Goto Results tab>Forces? Plate Forces/Moments . By default plate results (along that plate local axis direction) are for KNm/per 1m width. We can multiply the moment with corresponding plate element width.
(Plate Moment results: They have units of Force-length/length. In other words, if you take a one metre width of the slab at the centroid of the element in question, the moment over that one metre width on that element is equal to 50 KN-m (some moment magnitude say 50 KNm). The design of that element hence has to be done on the basis of a unit width. One needs to use a one metre width of slab. The reinforcement required for that element is thus reported in terms of unit width of the element. The results are hence in the form Area of steel/unit-width of element, as in, "SQ.metre/metre". ) Here we do not need to multiply the results with mesh size (irrespective of mesh size), as we are considering only 1m width of the slab in design. Refer our online help manual for details:,Moments.htm
3) I was previously informed that the alpha-critical value given by Midas when Multiplied by the Moment in y-direction should give Mcr. Can you show me how I can do this? See the below snapshot for the procedure to obtain buckling critical factor of the particular mode in consideration.
4) Can I import this to Midas FEA to undertake a more accurate analysis.Yes, we can use export option in midas civil.

kindly reply back if you have any further issues.