Error Checking of Wall Design Design


Hello There,

I have a problem to check on the wall design as per below picture, I already run the load combination, Kindly advise. I have attached my modal for your reference.

Thanks & regards,


To use that function via Design > Meshed Design > Wall Design, the section must be generated as plate not wall and then sub-domain(page.20 of attached file) must be defined as wall type.
In your model, you created the wall as wall elements, so you should use the design function via Design > RC Design > Concrete Code Design > Wall Design.
However, wall elements should not be horizontally divided into several layers inside a story, so regenerate the story data like the below image.

And then to resist for the horizontal loads, change the wall element to the wall-plate element in the change parameter function via Node/Element > Change parameters.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Jihong Hwang

Hello There,

The reason I have several wall divided horizontally because of, I cannot create the wall if the is unequal. In the case midas gen for wall function only applicable for typical wall design is it?.

Thanks & Best Regards,


In case of wall, it is only supported for the typical wall. Other case, use the plate with auto-mesh function.
Thank you.

Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
Creation date: 7/25/2018 2:47 AM      Updated: 7/25/2018 12:18 PM
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