In my model, the conventional RC beam is modelled as a girder (section namely "RCgirder1") and crosshead beam (section namely "crosshead1~5").
- As shown in the "crosshead.jpg" & "rcgirder1.jpg", using RC design under Eurocode is able to design "crosshead1~5" but it is unable to design "RCgirder1" (invalid member type & rebar data). Please enlighten us.
- We understand that we can study the result for each construction stage and then design for the "Post-CS". But is it possible to design the member at a particular construction stage? Eg. design for section namely "RCgirder1pre" during "CS2" due to unable to generate/ input load combination for the construction stage.
3. The RC deck of the bridge is modelled as a plate beam (1-D) because we didn't find any other function in Midas Civil to design for plate/ mesh members. Is it correct to use a plate beam (1-D) to design an RC deck of the bridge in our case?
Answer:Q1) As shown in the "crosshead.jpg" & "rcgirder1.jpg", using RC design under Eurocode is able to design "crosshead1~5" but it is unable to design "RCgirder1" (invalid member type & rebar data). Please enlighten us.
A: Only the elements in the XY plane are considered beams for design by default. If the element is parallel to the Z axis, then it is classified as a column by default for design. Remain all alignments are classified as bracing for design. In this case, since the RC girder elements are not in X-Y plane, these are classified as bracing by default. Hence, we will have to inform the software that these are to be designed as beam elements. This can be done as shown in the image below. Once this is done, the section would be visible for design as a beam.

Q2) We understand that we can study the result for each construction stage and then design for the "Post CS". But is it possible to design the member at a particular construction stage? Eg. design for section namely "RCgirder1pre" during "CS2" due to unable to generate/ input load combination for the construction stage.
A: Load combinations for design are considered in PostCS. In PostCS, the construction stage loads of the final stage could only be considered. Hence, it isn't possible to design with loads of intermediate load case, at least for the RC design as available in midas.
3. The RC deck of the bridge is modelled as a plate beam (1-D) because we didn't find any other function in Midas Civil to design for plate/ mesh members. Is it correct to use a plate beam (1-D) to design an RC deck of the bridge in our case?
A: Plate 1-D beam design is supported for Eurocode in the Civil latest versions. If feasible, kindly upgrade, else the design would have to be for line elements.