How to easily check the critical combined stresses in each construction stage?

Creation date: 8/28/2018 5:36 PM    Updated: 6/13/2023 9:05 AM   ilm incremental launching max/min stress stresses in construction stages tension stresses


In Midas, we have two ways to easily view the stress results for construction stages.

Method 1: Stress results can be viewed in tabular format
Results >> Results Tables >> Composite Section for CS >> Beam Stress.
In this table, one can view the stress results of the desired elements in a particular construction stage for specific load cases. For each element and part, the stress components and the combined stresses at the four corners of the section can be obtained.

Note- change the current stage of the model to any stage, just not the PostCS stage, before opening the table to activate the stage results.

Method 2: Max/Min Stage
The Max/Min stage can be selected to plot the maximum and minimum stress envelope. The user can choose the max or min load case and display the max and min values occurring throughout all stages in a given element. In the above example, select "CSmax" load cases to check for positive values (tension), and choose the stress point (1,2,3 or 4) or the maximum from the 4 points to display the stress results. Kindly refer to the snap below for a better understanding.

Here, one can select the element of interest and right-click & sort the results out to identify the stage where the maximum and the minimum occur, which you may want to know.
