Boundary conditions-restricted tension

Creation date: 11/27/2018 6:09 AM    Updated: 11/27/2018 4:40 PM    bilinear springs compression only cut-off limit point springs


i have a project where my stabilising walls are from prefabricated elements and i have a very big uplift forces in some of them. i would like to restrict the uplift in the nodes just to the 70kN in tension, but i do not know how is possible to acheave that in Midas. Could you please give some advice?

Right now i have used the point spring support-just compression ( second model in my attached file).

Thank you in advance!



You can assign a compression only spring with a limited bearing capacity using the Boundaries >> Point Spring >> Multi-linear type spring. Simply define a bilinear force-displacement function for the spring to specify the stiffness up to 70kN and the one after and assign this to your Point Springs for the support nodes:

Kind regards,
Technical Support Team