Can you please elaborate what is the value of Minimum web thickness for torsional stress used for PSC sections?
Hello Nikola,
Thanks for getting in touch.
As a sample, we have shown the web thickness to be taken for torsional stress.
According to Eurocode1992-1-1:2004 Tef,i = A / u, where A is total area (including hollows) and u is the external perimeter. Eurocode says that Tef,i can't be less than real wall thickness anyway. A PSC section can have several wall thickness (outer webs, inner webs, upper slabs...), those are a collection we name as Ti
In fact, Midas Civil has a parameter where user can define this minimum thickness, in Section Properties > Web Thick. > for Torsion, Tmin.
So, Tef,i should be = min[(A/u), Tmin, Ti].
The torsional thickness shall be taken as the web width perpendicular to the inclination and not the horizontal one as shown below:
Hope this helps.
Rohan Agarwal
Structural Engineer

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