A: Country code provisions require that the Base Shear obtained in the Response Spectrum Analysis be scale up to that obtained in the Equivalent Static case. There are two ways of applying the scale factor for a structure:
1) While defining load combinations: The user has an option to define the scale factor while creating the load combinations for design
From the main menu select Result > Load combination > Auto Generation
In the highlighted box, enter the scale up factor for the selected load case and click on Add. When you check the result for that particular load case, it shall include the scaled up values for the Response Spectrum. To verify, you can check in the load combinations dialog box for load combinations that consider the Response Spectrum.
2) While defining the spectrum: While defining the spectrum, the user has the option to assign the scale factor, as soon as the spectrum to a load case, is assigned.
From the main menu select Model > Load > Load Type > Dynamic Load > RS load case