Hi all,
I notice that the program gives an error when we try to extrude a column into a wall element.
The error message is not very helpful - there is no element no. 4 in the model.
It appears to be a limitation due to the wall orientation and local axis constraints. Can you have a look at this and confirm what the error is?
If the error is, as I expect, the orientation of the wall, then can you improve this function to recognise that the element geometry is correct, i.e. a rectangular shape, and it is just that the node numbering has to be done in the right order to generate a wall element with the right local axis?
Thanks and regards,
Thank you for sending your question.
For plates, all edges of a rectangle can be created as a starting line. But for walls, the element is created starting from the bottom line.
That is, the current model can not be created as a wall because it is a vertical line (y direction). If the line element is in the x direction, you can extrude the line element to wall element by entering the value in dy direction.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
I'm sorry that I couldn't answer all your statements.
For the error message, I agree that it is not clear. Therefore I've asked the developer to change the error message. Thank you for your opinion.
And I requested that the part where the wall element cannot be created from line element on global z-direction is not user friendly, so the developers will discuss this issue as a development item in the future.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
This issue is solved so you can extrude wall element from the line element regardless of element orientation. If you needs the patch for this issue, please let me know.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang