What is the minimal specification for graphics card in a laptop?
The recommended graphic card for GTS NX is as follows:

To give further insight and performance of various graphic card, I am giving below reference of a previous discussion below,
First any GPU for GTS NX should have a feature which is called Double Precision FP mode. So you can use any GPU card with this option, but there is one condition. If you are using some GPU card now, please check if your card requires to switch for this mode. Maybe as default is working as Single Precision. GPU operation in GTS NX: In case of GPU, single precision operation is very fast for graphical process. For example, in case of GeForce, operation speed of single precision is 12~24 times faster than the operation speed of double precision. As shown in the figure below, in case of Tesla graphic card, operation speed of single precision is 2~3 times faster than that of double precision.
In case of midas GTS NX, double precision operation is frequently used. Therefore Tesla graphic card which has high performance in double precision is recommended. You should have at least 1 teraflops in double precision to use GPU acceleration. Below link is giving you the information about In order to use GPU solver, high-performance GPU is required. GPU has been applied in Multi Frontal Solver (MFS) of midas GTS NX in order to accelerate the calculation of simultaneous equations which is highest proportion in FEM analysis. As GPU maximize their capacity with large number of cores, remarkable different analysis time can be obtained with larger stiffness matrix. Please advise to your customer to contact graphic card manufacturer support for help to unlock Double Precision mode if needed. We can give only basic advises for right selection, but detailed recommendations should come from card manufacturer.
Hope you find the above information useful.
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