I have a problem to design my wall mesh, kindly refer to the window message as per below picture. I have attached my model for your reference.

The cover thickness (dT and dB) are larger then the wall thickness, so the error message appeared. Please change the value data. And for the more detailed explanation, please refer to the below link.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
Hello There,
I still having problem with this error command "Skip : Member No (#) is unacceptable Section for Protection of Bar." after i have setting all the rebar size and cover accordingly. it seem that after i apply the wall mesh design, only a few wall have been assign as seen in picture below, only few wall were in color, does it mean for the non-color wall/ transparent wall were not assign? kindly advise. I have attached my latest model for your reference.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Hello Dymphna,
Thank you for your patience.
As image below, the sum of the concrete face to center of rebar (0.05+0.05=0.1) us same as the thickness of wall. In other words, there is no space for the reinforcement. For that, increase the thickness of wall or decrease the concrete face to center of rebar.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang