Midas GSD hinge export


Hi all,

could you explain me why for the attached model is not possible to export a hinge without interaction?


best regards


It is possible to export a hinge without interaction. As shown in the image you sent me, the hinge properties are not calculated so the hinge information could not be imported into midasGen. This is because of the value of "Final Curvature After Failure (D/Dy)". The failure points (C and D) is larger than 8, so GSD does not calculate the accurate the hinge properties. If you enter the value of "Final Curvature After Failure (D/Dy)" as 20 like the below image, you can import the hinge without interaction into midasGen.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Jihong Hwang
Creation date: 7/24/2018 10:28 PM      Updated: 7/25/2018 7:59 AM
sez 30x70.mgs
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