How to resolve "does not intersect a Cross Beam" error in Moving Load Analysis?



I previously enquired about copying load combinations from the steel design tab into the general tab without having to start over, however the solution provided does not seem to work (convert into spread sheet format then copy all columns before the first combination column).

Further to this issue when I try and run the analysis two errors are found, concerning a footway not intersecting a cross beam  and creating data related to moving load analysis.

If you could have a look at these issues it would be greatly appreciated, please find attached my model.


This error is caused by the moving load case, gr6 in which SV 196 is applied to Footway 1. 

The wheel spacing is 2.65m. The half of the spacing is 1.325 m.

The distance from the end of cantilever to the centerline of footway 1 is 1.45 - 0.3935 = 1.0565 m. Thus, the wheel load does not fall onto the cross beam group.
If you applied SV196 on the Footway 1 by mistake, the error will disappear by removing footway 1 from the lane list of the moving load case, gr6. If not, you should extend the length of cantilever.

Creation date: 8/3/2018 3:30 AM      Updated: 5/7/2023 11:41 PM
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