How can I obtain total moment and maximum moment on a composite section?

Creation date: 10/17/2018 9:42 PM    Updated: 9/12/2023 12:29 PM

Hi I am trying to model plated deck on frame beams (twin cell box girders) and analyze the results.
I made the section composite by connecting via rigid link. Is there a way to obtain total moment on a composite section (moment force on beams + moment on plate element via integration of axial stress x changed neutral axis)?

Also, if I was doing plate deck on shell beams, how can I get the max moment on composite section? 

Also, when I track my moving load, it seems that the truck position for max shear stops one element (for grillage) or two elements (for plated deck) away from the edge of the last element. I would assume that the max. shear would occur when the truck is located directly above (or little bit past) the support node. Is there an easy way in Midas to fix this?


This could be checked by using the Section for Resultant force feature.  Kindly refer the image below on how this could be done.

Once this is done, virtual sections are set up and the result could be viewed for the same.
Same process could be used for deck on shell beams as well.  

Actually on checking the influence surfaces, it could be noted that the vehicle position is as expected.  This is not happening exactly at the face, since the distance from support and beam stiffness would also affect the location for max shear in plate.  As we know, for slabs, usually the stiffness is maximum at d distance from the face of the support.
If it is intended to check the vehicle position for maximum reaction, then that is as expected.

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