Midas Civil: Integral Bridge/Pile modeling error for soil structure interaction

Creation date: 11/6/2018 2:09 AM    Updated: 11/6/2018 12:40 PM   pile spring

Dear Midas Technical Support team,

I am using Midas Civil 2019. I am trying to use Midas function “integral bridge/pile” to model  soil structure interaction of pile. I got an error and the analysis terminated (see model image below). Could you please ran the attached model “M2 WITH PILE” to check what is the problem?  When I use pinned/roller supports (see attached model with name “M1 WITHOUT PILE “) instead of modeling pile then analysis ran and results looks good.

I looked at the SSI webinar but still could not figure out the mistake.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,



I don't know why, but the 'Mlfc-2' function is all zero as shown below, which caused the problem. Please delete all the point spring data and try to generate pile spring support again. It is working fine in my pc.  

DK Lee
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MODEL 3.mcb
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