Export the report 3D PDF From GTS NX

Creation date: 4/7/2019 8:06 PM    Updated: 4/9/2019 12:26 PM   3d pdf

Dear Sir/Madam
 I Have problem with Export to 3D PDF as showing in PIC  


Dear Customer,

Please upload your current analysis file for my checking.

Thanks N Regards

Choi, Youngho
MIDAS Global Technical Center

Dear Sir this the current Analysis 

Dear Customer,

Please provide me your current "analysis file" for my checking.

Thanks N Regards

Choi, Youngho
MIDAS Global Technical Center

Dear Customer,

I can make 3D analysis report with your analysis file.

So, Can you check again your GTS NX version and license status..? 

Or, please update your GTS NX with current version 2019(V.1.2).

And, please see my attachment what i made with your file.

Thanks N Regards 

Choi, Youngho
MIDAS Global Technical Center

still have same problem

Dear Customer,

From my checking, it is working..

Please try as below,

1) To change output option to other folder.

2) Please give me your GTS NX version as below

3) Remove your GTS NX program from your PC and re-install.

Thanks N Regards

Choi, Youngho
MIDAS Global Technical Center

I still Have same problem  even Remove GTS NX program from my PC and re-install the new version and i use different file 

Dear Customer,

Please download GTS NX 2109(v1.2) from our website (en.midasuser.com)

And, Please try again.

Thanks N Regards

Choi, Youngho
MIDAS Global Technical Center

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