Results do not match for the  Verification of  Example "Buckling-06"


I am trying to reproduce the results of the verification example "Buckling-06" in the attached MIDAS Civil model. The results of my buckling analysis are far from the example. Please let me know why is the case.
One thing, which I noticed was that the Ixx (torsional moment of inertia) calculated by the software is different from the Ixx used in the example hand calculations, while Ix, Iy, What is the reason for this difference and how can this be fixed?



Please use the second MIDAS file that is attached to this message.

Good Afternoon,

We have reported it to our developers and would update you on the progress.

B Swapnil Agarwal
Technical Support Engineer
Global Technical Center

Good Morning,

The resason the buckling results aren't matching is due to the software is taking the PSC Value Type section as "tapered" section and for the tapered section the radius of gyration is set to zero. Thur, torsional buckling mode shape is missed. We would be correcting this section properties in the future update.

Currently, there could be general section used as shown:

2) Or use the "I Shape with 2T or Web" :

We are attaching the modified file for your reference.

Kindly let us know if further assistance is required.

B Swapnil Agarwal
Technical Support Engineer
Global Technical Center

Good Afternoon,

The issue with the PSC Value type section is now resolved in the latest patch.

The patch is now available

To apply the patch, please follow the steps below:
1) Download the patch by Clicking on above patch link
2) Extract the content of the file
3) Paste them at the location where midas Civil is installed. Default location is - C:\Program Files\ MIDAS\midas Civil
4) When prompted to replace existing files, please click yes

Kindly let us know if further assistance is required.

B Swapnil Agarwal
Technical Support Engineer
Global Technical Center
Creation date: 8/23/2019 4:13 PM      Updated: 5/20/2023 7:35 PM
Buckling-06 Lateral buckling of a simply supported cruciform column subjected to a concentric axial load.pdf
455 KB
Buckling-06-Beam Model.mcb
72 KB
Cruciform 300x6.mgs
4 KB
Cruciform 300x6.sec
351 b
Buckling-06-Beam Model[1].mcb
90 KB
Buckling-06-Beam Model.mcb
125 KB
19 KB
121 KB