I am not able to create general functions in the Function->General Function [Spatial] query box. For a test example, I have followed the example shown in the help guide, however, I get an error message of 'Expression is invalid!' when trying to input any equation with the independent variable (for example, if the independent variable is X, i input the function as 2*X). The only option that works is inputting a constant number value.
Can you please help with this? I am looking to create six different functions for differing hydrostatic and hydrodynamic water elevations. Therefore, I need to create two general functions, a hydrostatic function, and a hydrodynamic function, with three differing top of water elevations.
This issue has been found and fixed. It will be working fine in the next release. In the mean time, please download the patch below and extract it into the 'midas FEA NX' folder.
DK Lee
Technical Manager

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