Creation date: 5/27/2021 11:54 AM    Updated: 5/27/2021 12:06 PM   construction stage midas civil moving load

I have applied live load three cases as shown in the screenshot-

But after doing analysis i.e. in post processing it shows only one live load case as shown below

i.e. other two Live load cases are not available in post processing. Even once i deleted the live load and applied it again but still same problem persists. Please sort out the issue.


In the model, the lane 1 elements were not activated in any construction stage, thus these elements are not present (as shown below). Thus, any load or lane definition regarding that will not be added after the construction stage analysis.

So, for this add that certain elements to trans member structure group.

Further, I would like to suggest that elastic spring should be assigned in manner given below as the structure stiffness in transverse and longitudinal direction is very less and warning are received because of that in message window.

And element 315 is overlapping with element 188 (similarly many elements). So, first select the whole structure and use Node/element>element>intersect option to intersect the elements properly. This will duplicate the element 188. 

So, to remove duplicate elements, use Structure> check duplicate elements to delete duplicate elements. 
