Deck Overhang Loads

Creation date: 5/31/2021 4:49 PM    Updated: 5/31/2021 4:49 PM   composite section deck overhang load midas civil steel composite i girder

I have a few questions regarding the "Deck Overhang Loads" feature within the composite design module.

1) When using this feature does the vertical uniform load input value also get applied as an actual vertical load in addition to the resulting lateral loads on the girder flanges? To clarify, will the input value for the distributed force result in vertical shear demand on the girder or is it only used to calculate the lateral bending moment in the flange?

2) Should the wet concrete weight of the deck overhang be included in the distributed force input of the deck overhang loads definitions? I believe it should be for the constructability checks, but do I still also apply the wet concrete weight as a static load case to account for the demands in the final state condition strength checks?

3) When using the deck overhang loads feature of the composite design module does the resulting lateral force applied to the girder flanges get transferred into the cross frame elements in the model. How do I view the forces from the deck overhang loads in the cross frame elments?



Question1: When using this feature does the vertical uniform load input value also get applied as an actual vertical load in addition to the resulting lateral loads on the girder flanges? To clarify, will the input value for the distributed force result in vertical shear demand on the girder or is it only used to calculate the lateral bending moment in the flange?
Answer:It is only used to calculate the lateral bending moment in the flange and will not be result in vertical shear demand on the girder.

Question2: Should the wet concrete weight of the deck overhang be included in the distributed force input of the deck overhang loads definitions? I believe it should be for the constructability checks, but do I still also apply the wet concrete weight as a static load case to account for the demands in the final state condition strength checks?
Answer: Yes, the deck overhang loads are applied for constructability check before the composite action begins. Thus, to account for demands in final state condition strength check, we need to separately apply wet concrete weight as static load.

Question3When using the deck overhang loads feature of the composite design module does the resulting lateral force applied to the girder flanges get transferred into the cross frame elements in the model. How do I view the forces from the deck overhang loads in the cross frame elements?
Answer: Deck overhang loads are used for designing for constructability stage only. We can apply the deck overhang loads to the girder elements. These loads are generally applied to exterior girder and will not be transferred to cross frame elements.