DGN_lib.dll not found error

Creation date: 9/6/2022 3:53 PM    Updated: 9/6/2022 3:53 PM   dgn_lib dgn_lib.dll dll


I am not able to open Midas, follow error is show

DGN_lib.dll not found,

please give us a solution





Hello Carlo, 

Thanks for getting in touch.
We are sorry to hear that this issue has arisen.

So basically the .dll file is missing from the system it seems. Now, usually this happens when the system has Anti-virus software or Windows Defender or any such software which prevents the .dll file from getting installed in the system. 

So here are our solutions :- 

1) Uninstall the software. Remove all files from the Registry of the system. 
The steps to remove files from registry is shown in the video attached below.

2) Restart the system.

3) Kindly switch off Windows Defender and uninstall Anti-virus softwares in the system. 
When all security features are switched off, then lets try to install the software. 

4) The download link for Gen 2022v2.1 is mentioned below.

5) Once the software is downloaded and installed, lets confirm the presence of DGN_lib.dll in the folder shown below.  

6) If the file is present, then great. IF not, lets apply the patch file as below.

To apply the patch, please follow the steps below:
1) Download the patch by Clicking on above patch link
2) Exit any open project and close all midas Gen windows
3) Extract the content of the file
4) Paste them at the location where midas Gen is installed. The default location is - C:\Program Files\ MIDAS\midas Gen
5) When prompted to replace existing files, please click yes

Hope these help. Kindly go through the video for the steps. 

Rohan Agarwal
Structural Engineer

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